Rabu, 02 Oktober 2024

I’m back

 Wahgelaseehh setelah vakum ngeblog dari taon 2009 akhirnya hello 2024 i’m back. Dya miss me? Wahhahahahhahhahah

Obviously there’re lots going on setelah 15 taon missing.

Anak udah 1, umur 14 taon inih. Suami masih 1 walaupun galau pengen jadi 0 ajah pa malah ditambah jadi 3 🤣🤣🤣

Lost my dad lost my sister. But i know they are happy in heaven with God. So i’ll see you hopefully soon dad n sis

We have money now but stil the upper middle class. Not yet that rich. Still really greatful for the blessings He has given us.

Hmmm apa lagi yah, udah unemployed now. Kerjaab sehari2 ya main game baca novel online and golf klo gak ya bengong ajah dirumah

Well thats a quick update on my current situation. 

Sabtu, 28 Maret 2009

….March Haul….

Setelah beberapa bulan vakum beli2 kutex…. (sebenernya sie gak vakum.. tapi tetep mesen… tapi semua pre-ordered)

minggu kemaren semua dateng pesenan2 nya…. and ternyataaa.. jrengggggg.. segambrenkkkk boooo…. weleh.. weleh.. weleh.. padahal mesennya dikit2 logh…. (halah.. alesan sangaddd)



See… my haul…. bener2 segambrenk yakkk hueheuhee…. setelah daku itung2.. total belanjaan itu ada 90 an kutex n kawan2nya hueheuheue.. edannnnn this is the biggest haul degh… :)

Okie.. ini List blanjaannya :


1. Harley
2. Jo
3. Malia
4. Zara
5. Kalista  kalista


6. Shivon


Carolyn of NewYork - www.carolynnewyork.com

Greenwich Avenue
Frankie Joins The Navy
Hangin' On The Stoop
Handball Courts
Lincoln Center
Howard Beach
Spanish Harlem
Darkside Of The City
Subway Surfin
Manhattan Beach


O.P.I www.opi.com

DS Glamour
DS Divine
DS Reflection
DS Tapestry
Done Out In Deco
Bronzed To Perfection
Overexposed in South Beach
Miami Beet OPI-Queen Of West Web-Erly
Sweet As Annie-Thing
Pretty And Privileged
Blue My Mind
Gargantuan Green Grape


China Glaze www.chinaglaze.com

Summer Days 6/Box  
  - Orange Marmalade
  - Cherry Pie
  - Raspberry Festival
  - Strawberry Fields
  - Grape Juice
  - Watermelon Rind       
Romantique COOL 6/Pack.
  - Awaken
  - Adore
  - Cherish
  - Harmony
  - Admire
  - Devotion
Agent Lavender
Secrect Peri-Wink-Le
Tree Hugger
Shower Together
Purple Rain
DV8 (OMG Collection)
2NITE (OMG Collection)
Red Stallion (Rodeo Diva Collection)
Side-Saddle (Rodeo Diva Collection)
Prize Winning Mare (Rodeo Diva Collection)
Branding Iron (Rodeo Diva Collection) 
Kaleidoscope collection (discontinued collection)
  - Sexagon
  - Don't Be a Square
  - Rated Holographic
  - Spin Me Round
  - Visit Me in Prism
  - Let's Do it in 3-D
  - Tickle My Triangle
  - How About a Tumble
  - Octa Gone Wild
  - Kaleidoscope Him
  - He's Going in Circles
  - It's My Turn


MISA www.misacosmetics.com

Dirty Sexy Money
Right Here Now , No More Later  
Speed Of Life 
Push Upon It     
On The Edge
For The Woman With A Secret
High Waist Hue
Forbidden Lust
Ur Too Sweet
Be My Lover
Ur Beautiful


Color Club

Sexy Siren
Object of Envy
Fashion Addict
Worth the Risque
Catwalk Queen



Love, Beverly Hills (contain 24karat gold!!) Limited edition


Creative Nail Design

Hyde in the Dark

Senin, 09 Maret 2009

ArgHhhhhh….. >:(

Hari ini BT banget….. Liberty web nya down tanpa ada pengumuman…..

Udah gituh…. kamar mandi dibenerin kerannya… jadi kamar kotorr :(

Seharian kepanasan….. Bengong.. gak tau mau ngapain…



Minggu, 01 Februari 2009

Demam Grey n Silver Tone…

January ini entah kenapa… belanjaan diseputar warna abu dan silver :D

Beli Tas di forum FD… sling bag dari H&M warna grey….


Udah gituh….. di FD lagi.. ada yang jual Botkier Clutch for Target… murmer… langsung di beli degh… soalnya mikir mungkin bisa di pake buat pesta mantenan novi nanti…… Terus… tadi ke Amplaz liat2 guess.. kok ada spatu warna sama… nanya ke hubbie… izzit good and can i buy it?? and he said okie… he paid for it :D yipeeyy… norak nya daku.. this is my first guess shoes.. :D


Matching yahh warnanya hehehehe… senengnya dakuu… :D coz i need a new shoes since my rotelli udah jelek… and gosh nya kurang enak di pake :( andd parahnya di jogja itu susyahhh sekali cari higheels yang keren, enak dipake… :( Makanya seneng bangetttt dibeliin guess ini :)

Thank you hunniee… mwahh luv u so muchhh deghhhh :D

opi-it-colorOgh iyah.. sekalian degh majang NOTD hari ini….

Udah dari kemaren sie make nya :D

Opi the “IT” color… warna mustard.. or orange-ish yellow (warna kunyit kali yah klo orang indo bilang??)

I personally love the color.. eventho not my kind of yellow i prefer Zoya Creamy yellow… but this one is more “normal” in my hand compare to gonjrenk Zoya Creamy :D

Rabu, 14 Januari 2009

Haul of the Day + Few Nail Swatches

haul-jan Hari ini orderan dari head2toebeauty dateng….. :) huray.. ada mainan baru.. walaupun mainan lama masih blom kelar dicoba-coba…. meja kerja ini udah bener2 brantakan sama kutex2 yang bertebaran…. :D

Langsung di coba-coba…. I luv all my new babies… :)

Tinggal menunggu kiriman dari transdesign ajah niee…. disitu khan lebih banyakkkk pesenannya heuheuehe :D

yang bulet-bulet itu adalah konad plate.. beli di multiply…. pas lagi diskon 50% jadi 1 plate cuman seharga 15rban lebih laghh :D

And this is My NOTD (Nail of The Day)


Ini dari Misa Runaway collection yang Hot Couture (upscale mustard) terus dari Misa Love Connections Collection yang Baby I love You (delicious melon). Terus di pakein Konad Plate – China Glaze Romantique Collection yang Joy.. Nanti degh klo pake full hand yang Joy pasti di pajang lagi… :) yang pasti sie China Glaze Romantique Collection ini sooo Metalique :D

Btw.. dua-dua Misa ini baguss bangett warnanya and applicationnya really really easy… :) good formula.. 2x coat enuf :)

Dibawah ini my nails in these past weeks :)

annasui opi-brightspower

zoya-creamy opi-ds-extravagance

Kayaknya gak perlu penjelasan yahh :D coz di pic udah explain apa yang daku pake :)

Kamis, 08 Januari 2009

You are Green Fawn.. (Anak Rusa Hijau)

greenfawn You are Green Fawn, whose expression and attitude seems slow and lacks energetic action.
You are quiet and don't say much.
You will not show your inner feelings to people easily.
You have the heart of a young child, and although you may act bit selfish, you will not make enemies.
You are shy and reserved, and tends to be bit like dreaming little girl.
By depending on others you express yourself, and therefore people find it hard to hate you.
You are not very good at handling real world.
You are interested in emotional and mental fields.
And tend to study subjects like religion and mysterious things.
You have a tendency to be self satisfied, but you yourself do not mind that at all. You actually enjoy that.
You are good at fending off other people's frustration and anger.
Therefore you don't get caught up in troubles, and are able to lead a quiet and peaceful life.
You can not stand difficult situations, and will easily give things up.
If you can work with those people who are gentle and kind, they can bring out your inner talent.
Once married, you will be an excellent wife who would protect her house and family.


Characteristics & Personality

1. Fawns are extremely cautious at first meeting
2. Fawns are full of curiosity
3. Fawns get selfish with their friends
4. Fawns want to be liked, so they try to please
5. Fawns are ill at ease if they can't confirm that someone likes them
6. Fawns are not good at bargaining
7. Fawns' sphere of activity are limited
8. Fawns are good teachers and cultivators
9. Fawns are dangerous when they lose control
10. Fawns watch out for food additives

fawn 1 (fôn) from thefreedictionary
intr.v. fawned, fawn·ing, fawns

1. To exhibit affection or attempt to please, as a dog does by wagging its tail, whining, or cringing.
2. To seek favor or attention by flattery and obsequious behavior.

fawn 2 (fôn) n.

1. A young deer, especially one less than a year old.
2. A grayish yellow-brown to moderate reddish brown.

taken from http://world.doubutsu-uranai.com

What do you think about me as describe above??? bener JOAN banget gak??? atau aje gileee Gak Bangett!!! :D

For me.. so-so lagh.. paling gak baru kali ini nemu personality reading yg kayak gini :D

I’m a Drama Queen…

Aghhh kenapa perempuan itu mesti such a drama queen gituh yakk….. Lebay sekaleeeee…..

anyway… mp3 antistress??? not helping.. malah bikin depressed…. heuehueheue… (tapi tetep sambil dengerin mp3 antistress…. hueheue coz i luv classics)

Pernah baca… orang2 yg dengerin Metal malah lebih stressless karena mereka terbiasa mengekspresikan dirinya lewat dengerin musik2 tersebut….. but emang ada side effect nya jadi less social and less ramah yehh.. heuheue…  gimana klo abis dengerin metal.. terus langsung dengerin klassik???  jeglek gak yahh??? atau sambil dengerin music metal nonton video balet classic…  ??? anyone every try it at home????

I am OK koq… cuman suka rada ber-lebay hueheuheue…  emang Perasaan tadi jelek… trus di pikir-pikir-pikir.. malah jadinya lebay…..

Kemaren baru terima paket komik dari MP-FD (market plaza di forum FashioneseDaily)… duhhhhhh I really.. really Luv reading komikkk.. (tapi komik yang bagusss yahhhh)

komiksiang2 paketnya dateng…. udah gatelll banget rasanya pengen baca… jam 8 an malem abis dinner + mandi… waktunya break kerja..

pertama2 baca yang paling bawah banget –half heavenly girl cuman 2 seri..  agh.. dilahap hanya 30menit kelar….. mayan bagus.. cuman harusnya ini mah komik bukan untuk 2 seri thok…. soalnya gak kelarr :( gantung gituh… keluar dari kamar.. ngecheck transaksi.. kerja lagi. .sampe jam 10 an…. baru masuk kamar and abis itu… mulai baca Oshaberi Na Amadeus… 6 buku… tentang pemain biola.. (keliatan banget khan dari gambar sampulnya…) ini komiknya tebelll.. harusnya klo dijadiin komik format biasa.. bisa jadi 12 buku mungkin…

This one… i can’t stop reading until the end… padahal suami udah ngajak tidur tapi kok nanggung.. soalnya baru aja mulai buku 3… and i said.. wait yahh… let me finish just this one book.. than i’ll go to sleep….  hueheuhe tapi ternyata setelah finish buku 3…. penasaraannnnn bangett.. minta ijin suami yang udah bobo… honey… boleh nerusin lagi?? … suami dengan setengah sadar… okie.. but jangan sampe gak bobo yah…… hihihi emang suami yg sangad pengertian degh… langsung lagh membaca untill the last book….

Sukaaa bangett sama jenis2 buku yang kayak gini… aghhhh… luv luv luv it… :)

Daku klo sutra memegang buku yang bagus “menurut daku” akan daku lahap sampai titik halaman penghabisan hueheueheue…. harry potter ajah abis dalam 1 hari 1 malam :D

-- me… comic junkies… love novel reader… nail polish whore --